OQE topical collection
All OWTNM participants are invited to submit full papers on their workshop contributions to a topical collection of Optical and Quantum Electronics, that will be organized on the occasion of the workshop.
Other papers of journal level, authored by workshop participants or by other interested researchers, on scientific results that fall within the scope of the workshop, are also welcome (!).
Members of the local organizing committee will act as guest editors for that journal issue. Papers should be submitted on-line via the Springer Editorial Manager. Contributors shall personally submit their papers to Springer's electronic system, and choose the article type "S.I. : OWTNM2018". Submission rules and guidelines for authors can be found on the related OQE web page (Springer Editorial Manager). All contributions will be reviewed by referees appointed by the guest editors.

Submission deadline for full paper contributions to the OQE topical collection:
August 01, 2018.
We will try to have the review process completed by the end of October 2018. Note that papers accepted for publication will appear online directly after passing the production & proofing processes, irrespectively of the status of any other manuscripts that are included in the topical collection.
The OQE topical collection is available online:
2018 – Optical Wave and Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling