A number of hotels and guesthouses are available at convenient walking distance to the conference venue. Please contact the respective hotel directly to reserve your accommodation.
Rooms have been set aside for OWTNM participants in some of these quarters(∗). Please contact the properties by e-mail / by an online contact form, supplying the keyword Workshop OWTNM, to refer to these contingents (rooms may be available even if other online channels, or even the hotel homepage, show no vacancies).
This is tentative information only; please check with the hotels for definite pricing and alternative room arrangements.
Hotel-Restaurant Hof Hueck(∗), Gartenstraße 8, and Gästehaus Hof Hueck(∗), Wiesenstraße 12, 59505 Bad Sassendorf; phone ++49(0)2921/96130, e-mail;
about 9 min walking time to workshop venue,
room rates per night ≈ 60 / 75 € (single room /double room, single use, incl. breakfast), online room requests
to hotel and
Maritim Hotel Schnitterhof, Salzstraße 5, 59505 Bad Sassendorf; phone ++49(0)2921/9520, e-mail; about 7 min walking time to workshop venue,
room rates per night ≈ 55 / 99 € (single/double room, incl. breakfast), online booking.
Hotel Wulff(∗), Berliner Straße 31, 59505 Bad Sassendorf; phone ++49(0)2921/96030, e-mail; about 13 min walking time to workshop venue,
room rates per night ≈ 54 / 109 € (single/double room, incl. breakfast), online booking.
Further rooms are available in other hotels and smaller guesthouses in Bad Sassendorf, and in hotels and guesthouses in neighboring villages. Among these are
- Gästehaus Brinks(∗), Bismarckstraße 25, 59505 Bad Sassendorf, phone ++49(0)2921/9616-0, e-mail (≈6 min walking time to workshop venue, single room ≈59 € incl. breakfast).
- Park-Café Sprenger(∗), Wiesenstraße 10, 59505 Bad Sassendorf, phone ++49(0)2921/59000, e-mail (≈9 min walking time to workshop venue, double room ≈90 € incl. breakfast).
- Pension Haus Elke(∗), Auf dem Kampe 1, 59505 Bad Sassendorf, phone ++49(0)2921/52021, e-mail (≈2 min walking time to workshop venue, single / double room ≈35 / 70 € incl. breakfast).
- Landhotel "Zur Kummerwie"(∗), Weslarner Weg 2, 59505 Bad Sassendorf-Heppen, phone ++49(0)2921/80240, e-mail (≈4 km distance to workshop venue, single / double room ≈45 / 75 € incl. breakfast).
- Landgasthof Vogt(∗), Lange Straße 44, 59505 Bad Sassendorf-Bettinghausen, phone ++49(0)2945/2232, e-mail (≈5 km distance to workshop venue, single / double room ≈35 / 70 € incl. breakfast).
Early reservation is strongly recommended!
Other accommodation options are available in Soest. The conference venue in Bad Sassendorf can be reached by regular half-hourly trains (3 min travel time + short walk of 5 min to the lecture hall):
Design Hotel Deck 8(∗), Werkstraße 8, 59494 Soest; phone ++49(0)2921/339-40-40, e-mail;
located directly at the railway station,
room rates per night ≈ 89 € (double room, single use), including breakfast, online booking.
CityMotel Soest, Altes Stellwerk 9, 59494 Soest; phone ++49(0)2921/35-490-52, e-mail; situated about 1 km away from the railway station in Soest,
room rates per night ≈ 45 € (double room, single use), online booking.
Early reservation is strongly recommended!
In case assistance with the booking is required, please contact theGäste-Information Bad Sassendorf
Kaiserstraße 14
59505 Bad Sassendorf
Phone: ++49(0)2921/501-4810
E-mail: .
Note that, besides the links provided above, rooms at these hotels — and at others — may also be available through established "generic" travel booking websites.