Workshop history
The first International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling was held in Teupitz, Germany, in 1992. Since then, the annual conference has moved across Europe, with one detour to Australia:
2018, Bad Sassendorf, Germany
2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2016, Warsaw, Poland
2015, London, UK
2014, Nice, France
2013, Enschede, The Netherlands
2012, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
2010, Cambridge, UK
2009, Jena, Germany
2008, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2007, Copenhagen, Denmark
2006, Varese, Italy
- 2005, Sydney, Australia
2005, Grenoble, France
2004, Ghent, Belgium
2003, Prague, Czech Republic
2002, Nottingham, UK
2001, Paderborn, Germany
2000, Prague, Czech Republic
1999, Saint-Etienne, France
1998, Hagen, Germany
1997, Enschede, The Netherlands
1995, Roosendaal, The Netherlands
1994, Siena, Italy
- 1993, Vevey, Switzerland
1992, Teupitz, Germany
In the more recent past, just as in 2017, roughly every second year the workshop has been held collocated with the (formerly bi-annual) European Conference on Integrated Optics ECIO (2018).
(∗) Photo & link kindly contributed by Hans-Peter Nolting.